So this is me..

So I am Stephanie; I am a daughter, a sister, a girlfriend, a friend.

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So lets start with the whole daughter thing, i was born in 1993 in QLD, Australia. I have an amazing mother, who in fact has turned 40 today. Like every family we have had our ups and downs but she has been the one

who has stayed in my life for the long haul, i like many other families around the world have a separated family; which is fine and all, I had the easy end of the stick because i was older, more mature yada yada ya my sister on the other hand was very young. My beautiful little sister was born in 2002, she was not even a year old when our parents separated. She didn’t understand then (for obvious reasons, a one year old won’t really understand all that much) however she still doesn’t understand now.


Now onto me being a girlfriend, we have been together for 3 years in April. In that time we have moved states, moved houses, sold and bought a LOT of furniture. We have grown as people and as a couple, we have had our fights and made up over those fights. We have our own little baby, not a child but a beautiful Rag doll Cat.

And now me; I am an amature photography, a lover of cooking and good food, a graphic design student and an events manager. I have a back problem and a foot problem (from two different accidents), I am never happy with my hair colour and in the last 12 months been blonde, purple and red. I love coffee and need to get fit – not because of any other reason then my body can’t handle me being unfit.
Next, my best friend; I have known her for 7 years now. We went to school together, we have lived together, lived in different states and still have managed to stay close. Like any other friendship we have had our ups and downs but know no matter what we are there for each other.

So that’s a bit about me.

Let's chat..