Travelling is horrible

I really dislike travelling. I mean, last night I had to fly to Brisbane, QLD again for family. I flew with my mum, dad and sister. It was horrible, flying in General is horrible!

So after getting to Perth Airport around 10pm last night we made the flight to Melbourne, VIC were we then had to connect to Brisbane. All up our flying time was just under 6 hours but our travelling time was almost 12 hours.

When we got to Melbourne, the plane for whatever reason could not attach to the gate where we disembark. Then we had to re-check all our luggage in again because the airline unloaded our luggage onto the carousel instead of putting it on our next flight. Then boarding our plane to Brisbane was just as bad, it was old and small and they had just finished refuelling the plane – which always makes the air in the cabin of the plane smell like a mix of petrol and oil and always makes me feel sick.

After all that, we landed in Brisbane, got to our hotel which is actually an apartment. We dropped our bags off and went and had an amazingly yummy breakfast (mind you I hadn’t eaten since lunch the day before so food was amazing regardless).

Before making my way to visit the family that we flew over here too see I decided to just sit down and relax for five minutes and take in the beautiful sites of Brisbane.

Now I am born and breed as a Brisbane girl, but I really haven’t lived here for years and probably could almost claim my home to be Perth. However sitting over looking the gorgeous botanical gardens of Brisbane and watching the ferries cross the river it was peaceful and beautiful. I realised that whilst in Perth we have the Swan River and Kings Park our CBD is a CBD. But here in Brisbane you have nature and life and family and love and living all bundled into the area that’s meant for work.

I’m Sorry

After starting this blog i was bombarded with everything in my world affecting me all at once. Work, family and my love life. As it was coming to the end of financial year, both my jobs required mass amounts of work and it really has been super busy.

Secondly my love life, well it’s not a disaster but its been hard to be a ‘good’ girlfriend when i have a million and one things happening that require my attention as well! Any one else feel like they push their partner aside when things become busy? Thankfully my guy is amazing, he is a ‘real Aussie’. He is laid back and easy-going and knows that i put my all into everything i do, so i guess I’m lucky.

photoAnd then its my family life.. I don’t know where to start, so aside from being busy with work i had to pack up and leave to go to Brisbane (a 4 ½ hour flight from Perth) to visit my Pop with my mum. About 3 weeks ago we received a call from my uncle saying that my Pop is in hospital and he is ‘crook’. So not the right word for the situation. Anyway, we packed and flew and went straight to the hospital and we were shocked, he isn’t just ‘crook’ he is dying and it’s not like it’s a painless process.

So we were there for a week, spending nearly 8 hours a day by his side making him laugh, making sure he ate and making sure he didn’t run away (my Pop still had his sense of humour thankfully). And a day before the financial year-end we flew home because not only do i have my business to settle my mum is a manager and her team were struggling without her too.

Anyway, I’m okay. My mum is okay and well my Pop is ok.. but the rest of my life is in catch up from being so behind. So i am committed to making this work and the rest of my life work. At least I’m trying, right?